Membership 101
Things You Need to Know
about being a member of the Lubbock Lions Club
Meetings are always on Tuesdays at the Scottish Rite Building. Your dues cover your meal and other national and state dues. You may bring a guest at a charge of $14. You may bring a prospective new member and the club will pay the cost of the meal for two visits by that prospect.
Tail Twisters are our fun-loving cops! They fine members who do not wear their Lions pin or fail to address other Lions as (say) Lion Tim or Lion Jane. They fine for cell phones that ring during meetings: $5!! Turn off your phones before meetings! Fines are donated to the chosen charity for the year.
Tail Twisters also run the Spirit Committee, which meets for lunch each month at a chosen spot. They look at the upcoming meetings and determine if a good skit prospect exists among the programs. Spirit should present two skits per month at meetings of not more than two minutes in length. This is a good time to meet other new members and to get a chance to be seen in front of the club. All new members are on the Spirit Committee for 12 months from the date they join club. Others are welcome.
Lion Tamer is our equipment manager. They set up for the meeting and handle the duties at the front table to sign in new members and guests and distribute materials.
Introduction of guests and prospects is done at the opening of each meeting. You may be asked to do this fun task by Lion Lynnette, or you may volunteer to her. When introducing guests give their name, employer, and the name of their sponsor Lion. Lion Boss may choose to assist in this part of the program.
Sign-ups are available for our upcoming projects and events: bell ringing, Pancake Festival, KidsFish, Fourth of July flag sales, etc. You profit by being a part of these events. This is what we do.
New members. You may invite a friend or associate to become a member along with you. This involves sponsoring them, introducing them to fellow Lions and our activities, and educating them on our projects and history. You are responsible for their success.
To learn more about Lions Clubs, visit our club website,, for more information. Visit the Lions Clubs International website,, and read about our history and or mission around the globe.
Roster. This roster is the listing of all members, projects, calendar, and a lot of details regarding our history. You should read the roster frequently. It is full of good info. Ads may be placed by any member in the roster for a cost of $60 for quarter-page or card ad, $100 for a half-page ad, and $150 for a full-page ad. The roster is prepared in May and June. It is published and distributed in July each year.
Our club has a President/Lion Boss, who runs our meetings and Board meetings. He or she has authority in those two areas only. All decisions and budgetary matters are decided by the Board of Directors. The Board meets the fourth Thursday of each month at the Koko Palace. All members are invited to attend a meeting.
We have three Vice Presidents and a President-Elect. Their duties are to observe, learn, and assist. See their specific committees beginning on page 10 under each position.
We have eight Directors, with four elected each year at-large. We have a Treasurer, who is also elected each year.
We have a full-time employed Executive Secretary, who transacts our day-to-day business, runs our office at 2526 82nd Street suite D, and has all the answers. You may contact her most weekdays at our office.
There is a Budget Committee that meets in June of each year and prepares our budget for upcoming July–June.
One of the most important committees is the Projects Committee. It meets every two to three months to consider requests from the community for financial assistance. It acts at the pleasure of the Board and only makes recommendations to the Board. It may kill a request but it may not grant a request. Only the Board may fund a request.
A more complete detail of all committees is on pages 8–9.
To be a Lion in the Lubbock Lions Club is to be part of a family. We care for and about one another. We also care about our community, our city, and our nation. You will see our history and read our mission and understand more about who we are and what we do. We welcome new members to our family. You will receive as you give.
To become a member call the Lions office 806-763-4789, contact an existing Lubbock Lions Club Member or join us at a meeting.
We serve our community and each other.
Courtesy of Lubbock Lions Club history and protocol committee